
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park

As the slogan goes ,where gold meets silver, the park was declared a game sanctuary in 1930 and gazetted as a National Park in 1991 making it Uganda’s smallest National Park at just 33.7km2. The park covers the northern slopes of the three most Virunga volcanoes out of the 8 making the chain lengthy that dotting the borders of Uganda, Rwanda, and the democratic republic of Congo. Mount Muhavura is a height of 4127m Mount Gahinga at 3474m and Sabinyo at 3645m. The volcanic slopes contain various ecosystems that are biologically diverse and provide a striking backdrop to this beautiful scenery. Mgahinga national park plays a key role in providing refuge to 76 mammals among these being the endangered mountain gorillas and contributing much to the conservation in much comfort to golden monkeys, forest elephants, and forest buffaloes. the park also provides an ecological advantage being a home of about190 bird species these being among the most endemic Albertine species such as; Rwenzori turaco, Rwenzori nightjar, Kivu-ground thrush, and many others. This park plays a great cultural significance for the ancient forest people, Batwa (pygmies) who used to live in the forest caves and never knew anything other than a forest.


Golden Monkey Tracking

These endangered golden monkeys are endemic to the Albertine rift, and Mgahinga gorilla park offers are chance to track these skittish striking animals, like mountain gorilla trekking a permit is purchased to see these animals, high in the dense bamboo forests on the Gahinga trail, allowing a group of 6 people for this opportune moment. The numbers in the Virunga massive are alarming about 3000-4000 and Mgahinga has 40-60 habituated.

Gorilla Trekking

Mountain gorillas are the key target in the southern part of the country notably in the Mgahinga and Bwindi forests; however, the parks have other wildlife species that make highlights of the day. Gorilla trekking in Mgahinga is different from its neighbor, due to the Virunga volcanoes that create a different experience and the fact that the park has only one gorilla habituated group. Led by one responsible and giant male the gorillas are mobile, trekking begins with an early briefing by the ranger guide, and later the team heads for the mighty experience. A group of 8 members is recommended to visit the gorilla family and it's always a half-day or full-day activity depending on where the gorillas are located .all the dos and don’ts are told before the activity.

Mountain/Volcano Hiking

All three volcanoes in this park can be summated. Mt. Muhavura is the highest at 4127m and this 12km round trip takes around 8-10 hours? Once at the top hikers are rewarded on a clear day with views of the Virunga volcanoes, Lake Edward, Bwindi impenetrable national park, and the cool peaks of the Rwenzori Mountains. It takes 6-7 hours to ascend and descend Mount Gahinga is topped by a swamp-filled crater and giant lobelias, on which you’re lucky golden monkeys are easily spotted. At 3669m mount Sabinyo takes about 8-10 to its 14km round trip following the steep ridges up to the top and you are rewarded a free visa to step into both countries at once, what a magical place.

Bird Watching

The most birding spot is the gorge trail between Gahinga and Sabinyo that in most cases requires 3-5 hours. This area can easily provide spectacular sightings of the Dusky-turtle Dove, Cape Robin chat, Kivu-ground Thrush, Rwenzori Batis, and many others. Other birding areas are the bamboo belt at about 2500m above sea level and the tall montane forest at 2660m. The Rwenzori Turaco is mostly sighted at around 2700m and on ground level; Doherty’s Bush-shrike Red-faced Woodland Warbler is a vocal yet inconspicuous inhabitant of the tangled vegetation at the forest edge.

Cultural encounters

The Batwa path For generations, Mgahinga’s dense forests were home to the autochthonic Batwa; hunter-gatherers and fierce warriors World Health Organization trusted the forest for shelter, food, and drugs. When the park was established the Batwa were evicted from the forests and abandoned their low-impact, wandering mode. the sole time they're permissible to reenter their cherished home is as guides on the Batwa’s path, on that guests can discover the magic of the Batwa’s ancient home whereas enjoying nature walks and learning about the cultural heritage. the Batwa incontestable searching techniques, gathering honey-detected medicines and demonstrating a way to build bamboo cups. Guest’s square measure invited to the sacred Garama cave, once a refuge for the Batwa, wherever the ladies dance the sad songs that echo spookily around the depths of the dark cave and leaves guests with a moving sense of the richness of this weakening culture.

Nature Walks and Hiking

A hike through the forest to the deep Sabinyo gorge-a large gash within the flank of mount Sabinyo- provides smart birding, the flanks of mount Sabinyo, providing probabilities for the Rwenzori Turaco. This walk takes four hours and passes through the rugezi swamp which is amazing for bird watchers. The walk to the Congo border transcends completely different vegetation zones. Hikers will cite a volcanic crater on the prime of the gisozi hill, look out for Kisoro and bunagana cities, and be captivated by Lake Mutanda. The golden monkey track could be a light steep however attention-grabbing 2-4 trek through the previous farmland to the bamboo forest. On a transparent day, you'll be able to read the Virunga volcanoes and other forest animals.


There are not any roads in Mgahinga Park, Vehicles square measure left at the most entrance of the ntebeko gate or car park at the bottom of mount Muhavura. The park will solely be explored on foot


Its 510km from the national capital of the country, and the sometimes used route is thru Kabale and Kisoro. The 434km to Kabale may be completed in eight hours on a sleek road and so an extra 76km to Kisoro city on a mountainous sleek road with steep ascents and descents The park can even be reached by air victimization the daily flights from Entebbe international airport and Kajjansi air strip

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