
Gerenuks in Africa

Gerenuks in Africa are notably tall, slender antelopes that resemble gazelles, and appear by its long, slender neck and limbs. The gerenuk is a specialist in browsing and often stands on its behind legs to reach further for the soft leaves.

Quick facts about gerenuk

Scientific name: Litocranius walleri

Habitat: Flat, dry thorn bush

Adult weight: 28–52kg

IUCN status: Near Threatened.

Gerenuk is diurnal, highly social creatures forming small single-sex herds of 2-6 individuals. Females sometimes contain juveniles in their herds as males prefer living a solitary life. They are so peaceful animals and rarely fight, gerenuks are sedentary meaning there are no travel intentions and this helps them to preserve foraging energy.

The gerenuk males defend their territories by scent marking with their special secretions from the preorbital glands. As they age, the gerenuk is less mobile, and eating from closer rangers is always the best choice. With about 25-44 cm of horn length,3-6km2 of home range, and 2m of feeding height these are ideal to spot.

Where to see gerenuk in Africa

These are animals that can be identified at a distance due to their height and rotations, scanning around thickets and not getting too closer are the best way to spot these giraffe antelopes.

Gerenuks are so wise and use several vocalizations, such as a whistle when annoyed, a buzzing sound when alarmed, an extremely loud bleat when in danger, and a soft bleat when females communicate with their young ones

Top tips for viewing gerenuk.

Highly adaptable and loves bushes and thickets avoids dense bushes and avoids too open areas.
It’s widespread in the horn of Africa and pushes to Kenya and some parts of Tanzania.

Holiday ideas to see the gerenuk

The desert specials can be seen in the drier countries of the northeast of Kenya-Samburu national reserve, parts of Tanzania, and other Laikipia golden locations. It’s our sincere, mandate to bring out the best in these desert dwellers.


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