


Meet the fastest land mammals that are capable of running up to 70km/h in short bursts and are easily visible in open Savannah and grasslands.

Quick facts about cheetahs

Superficially similar to the leopard, the cheetah is the most diurnal of Africa’s cat species, hunting using speed as opposed to stealth. Cheetahs are the least powerful of the large predators and highly face challenges like being chased from their kills and killing their cubs before 3 months. Male cheetahs are strongly territorial and often defend their territories in trios or pairs. Like leopards, cheetahs are heavily spotted and most solitary in their habits, but their preference for grassland and Savannah habitats and their greyhound-like build, and distinctive tear marks preclude the confusion.

Where to see cheetahs

Cheetahs are very scarce creatures, but using their hunting by day gives you more chances to see them in areas like Masai Mara, Serengeti, Ol OlPajeta, and Kidepo being changed enough.

Tips for viewing cheetahs

Cheetahs prefer open grasslands where they pursue and spot their prey, however, they are so rare and hard to spot, but while on a safari one must scan around termite molds, scan around the dry Savannah and check around medium antelopes as they prefer smaller animals like the gazelles, impalas, duikers and many others. Count yourself lucky when you encounter cubs and the mother or a coalition.

Things available in Serengeti National Park

Holiday ideas to see cheetahs

Let's explore the open savannas of Africa as we hunt for these cheetahs with our cameras and eyes getting closer with our binoculars and always aiming for the best

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