
the magical sudd wetland

Realm; Afrotropical; Biome, flooded grasslands and savannas. Borders; east sudanian savanna, northern congolian forest-savannah mosai and Sahelian Acacia savannah.  With a total area of 57,000 in the heart of south Sudan, Sudd Wetland was designated as Africa’s second Largest  Ramsar site, with four protected conservation areas, notably; Shambe National park (1750 km) Meshra(4432sqkms), Zeraf(10,961 sqkm), and Fanyikang.

The Barrier 

The wetland covers areas between Mongalla in the south, about 200km south of Malakal, and north of Malakalla. The Sudd, a massive South Sudanese swamp formed by the White Nile’s Baḥr al-Jabal section, is a vast network of floating vegetation islands and mats, with its name derived from the Arabic word “sadd,” meaning “barrier” or “obstruction.”

Featuring the marshes, mangroves, deltas, flood plains, stunning landscapes, and swamps; Wetlands are important ecosystems, saturated with groundwater, biology and soils. They can be seasonal or permanent. These are a great adventure areas, with lots of aquatic animals, birds, and plants.

The designated wetlands offer an opportunity for recreation, discovery of natural products, and aesthetic appreciation.

Wetlands inhabit some of those attractions you may not see anywhere in the world. A reason why we take you to one of the only savannah wetlands in the continent of Africa; a Sudd wetland in south Sudan.

South Sudan

one of the newest countries in the African continent, getting independence from the mainland Sudan on 9th July 2011. The country is made up of about 60 ethnic groups, with the capital city Juba.

Languages dominantly spoken include; Luo, Dinka, zande, Nuer, and English. The first state president was President Salva Kiir Mayardit. The economy of the local natives is majorly dependent on cattle.

Countries neighboring south Sudan include; Sudan to the north, Uganda to the south, Kenya to the southeast, Democratic republic of Congo to the southwest, Ethiopia to the east, and Central Africa Republic to the west.

The 10 states that form south Sudan include; the central Equatoria (Juba), Jog lei, warrap, upper Nile, western Bahr el Ghazal, northern Bahr el Ghazal, Lakes, and the eastern Equatoria.


Suud wetland is the largest wetland and one of the major tourist attraction in south Sudan.

It is located at the shores flowing to Sobat River, the White Nile upstream of Malakal west words to Bahr el Gahal. The wetland is seasonal, measuring 25km wide, featuring pyramidal grasslands, floodplains, variety of migratory birds, mammals and biota.

People inhabiting the area count to about 1 million. These are of the origins of the indigenous tribes such as the Dinka and Nuer who have been in existence for thousands of years. The Dinka and the Nuer people are Renown pastoralist’s and depend on this swampland for water and pasture for their livestock.

About 57,000km2 in size is one of the largest freshwater ecosystem. The water levels is dependent on the season and year. Its source is the White Nile from Lake Victoria. The White Nile pours its waters northwards forming a network of streams, lagoons, and inundated concentration of Suuds vegetation.

What to see and do in this Wetland?

Suud wetland is in savannas WWF Global 200 eco-region, with Suud-Sahelian flooded grasslands. This is home to variety of endangered mammals such as the antelopes, Palearctic migratory birds, diverse fish numbers and plants.

The notable mammals here include: the African elephants, white eared kob, tiag migration, shoebill stork, buffaloes, the Nile lechwe, the white crowned cranes, great white pelicans.

There are over 8 endemic Nile Dwarf fish species, notably; the electris Nanus, Barbus stigmatopygus, cromeria nilotica, Nannaethiops, chelaethiops Bibie, Aplocheilichthys Loati, Andersonia Leptura, and the Epiplats Marnoi.


To be allowed into Suud wetland, there must be a reason and permission. The permits must be acquired on time for easy arrangements of the tours or filming adventures.

Sudd Wetland Filming adventure

This is done all year round, through the help of the local guides. The best time is during the wet season for filming birds, whereas the other filming adventures can be done during the months of January to June, when there is the Suud Migration.

From filming the stunning landscape, marshland and swamps, you have lots of birds such as the sought after shoebill stork, and the mammals such as the endemic antelope, crocodiles, hippos, Mongalla gazelles, and more. The swamp is a story- making destination.

Fishing tours

You may be interested in knowing the different species of Fish around the world. Suud Wetland is home to over 70 fish species, and experts in fish study. A visit to the wetland will see you end the day with a vast knowledge about the different fish species and fishing. The notably species are; the Nile Carp, red belly tilapia, Mango tilapia, Senegal Bichir, Marbled Lungfish, African Arowanna, and more.

Bird watching

Suud wetland is home to over 400 bird species and you can take a one day safari to identify them by name, sound and color. These include among others; the sought after Shoebills, black crowned cranes, great pelicans, fulvous whistling duck, rock pigeons, spotted sand grouse, Kori bustard, great blue Turacos, the Senegal coucal, Eurasian Nightjar and more. Know each detail of birds after an encounter with them.

In conclusion; Suud wetland is one of the largest Ramsar sites in the continent of Africa.

As you plan your Visit, note that the distance between Juba the capital of south Sudan to Suud wetland is 403kms. The area is safe, but we advise using a local guide or tour operator who is well-versed with the place.

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